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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Golden Boy of Japan'93,Wilson Oruma Survived 2 Years Insanity After Being Duped by Pastor

Former Super Eagles Star, Wilson Oruma Survived Becoming Mad for 2 Years After Being Duped.


The under 17 golden boy, Wilson Oruma has just been recovering from insanity after 2 years.

You all remember Oruma was the highest goal scorer in  the Japan '93 golden eaglet team  that won gold.Even though after his glorious shine at under 17 level,he did not really make take that superlative performance to the senior level,he did had some moment of shine in the shirt of the super eagles at France '98.

Oruma running mad came as a result of his ordeal in the hands of a con man who claimed to be a pastor of a pentecostal church. Report had it that this so called man of God invited Oruma to his church and told him about a lucrative business deal.

The deal was about oil bloc.This started in 2012 after a private meeting with the pastor.The pastor introduced him to some well dressed looking gentlemen who assured him of selling their oil blocs to Oruma.

Unfortunately, Oruma acted alnone without informing his lawyers or any friends or relatives.Oruma did not suspect any foul play along the line until he dawned on him that those guys were con men.

Oruma having fallen for their deceit invested a whopping sum of $1.2 billion, which he withdrew from all his life savings.The pastor who introduced him to the business men kept assuring him that the men were credible and he should not fear doing business with them.

He started getting jittery when the guys did not pick his calls.He ran to his Pastor for possible succour and reassurance that all was well, but instead the Pastor rebuffed Oruma and told him that, he was a full-time minister of God who knew nothing about oil business, but only introduced him to those he believed could help make his business empire larger. The Pastor asked if he was involved in the business dealings all the while and the answer was a capital no. He thus divorced himself from any blames leaving the soccer star to lick his own wounds but he was not strong enough to withstand the attendant psychological pressure.

A few weeks after this ordeal, Oruma started behaving funny. He started talking to himself and had hot altercations with his wife at their Victoria Garden City home in Lagos. It was gathered that, it was after one of the series of altercations with his wife who blamed him for the family’s misfortune and huge loss of money that Oruma busted out of their home in VGC and stormed a popular supermarket where he destroyed valuables. He was wrestled to the floor, with his legs and hands tied to avoid further destruction. From this day in 2012, Oruma’s unstable mind became pronounced. His close friend, Emakpor with his hands and legs tied took the soccer star to a church in Warri, Delta state for spiritual healing.

After destroying valuables in the church, Oruma escaped to his VGC home in Lagos where he continued to disturb residents. It was also learnt that with his unstable mind, he gave out one of his expensive SUVs worth N14million to a friend who speedily drove away the vehicle. To avoid further embarrassments of VGC residents, Oru-ma’s family agreed to take him to his Suru-Lere home near Brown Street in Aguda, Lagos where secret treatments continued. He was first taken to the church where he was duped, which was nearby his Aguda home. Here, the culprit pastor after some failed attempts to heal the player advised that he should be taken back home as Oruma had been hit by a strange mental illness which defiled all known treatments.

The ex-international was tied and closely monitored in his Aguda home for over one year as the family sought spiritual healing for him. The player, who started his football career at Tamuno Babes FC of Warri, was not taken to an orthodox mental hospital in his family’s attempt to conceal his ailment from the public. Oruma suffered untold hardship for two years as his family with the help of his close friend and former teammate, Emakpor Dibofun, took him to number Pentecostal churches in Lagos seeking spiritual healing. The much desired healing eventually came few weeks ago when he was given a clean bill of health as he overcame the mental illness. He has started walking again as the sores on his legs from long period of being tied down in one place are healing fast.

This is a timely warning to you who get so greedy and want to make billions overnight.Be careful, these conmen keeps getting smarter by the day.

May we never fall into there hands in Jesus name.Amen!

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